Tips of fracture first aid
A broken bone is experienced when one of the bones in your body gets cracked or is broken into different pieces. This injury is also known as a fracture. This type of injury is quite a serious one, and it can occur as a result of an accident, a violent trauma, or while playing sports.
Although a broken bone is not a life-threatening injury, it normally requires immediate medical attention and care. In this article, we will be looking at the symptoms of a broken bone to help you recognize it, how to give first aid treatment to a victim, and then seeking professional help.
Symptoms of a broken bone
When you notice or experience either one or more of the signs and symptoms below, you may have a broken bone.
Experiencing intense pain in a particular area would be the site of the injury. The degree of pain normally increases whenever you move that particular area.
If an area of your body is numb.
If the injured area of your body is visibly deformed, swelling, or has a bluish colour.
If the bone is visibly protruding through your skin.
If the site of the injury is bleeding heavily.
How to give first aid care to a broken bone patient
If there is anyone with a broken bone around you, it will be good for you to give them first aid and then help them seek care from a professional. Ensure that you do not move the victim except it is necessary to avoid any further injuries. The actions you should take immediately while awaiting the arrival of medical help includes
Stop any bleeding: If the victim is bleeding, elevate the wound and then apply pressure to the wound using a clean cloth, clean piece of clothing, or a sterile bandage.
Immobilize the site of the injury: If you suspect that the victim broke a bone in their back or neck, ensure that they stay as still as they possibly can. If it seems that the broken bone is in one of their limbs, you can immobilize that area using a splint, sling if you have been trained to do so and there is no professional help readily available. The splint should be applied to the areas above and below the fracture site and padding the splints can also help reduce the discomfort the patient will experience.

Apply ice packs to the injury site: Apply an ice pack or bag of ice cubes to the area of the injury and leave it for up to 10 minutes at a go. The ice should not be applied directly to the skin. It should be wrapped in a cloth, towel, or some type of material. This would help to reduce the swelling and also to relieve the pain the patient will experience.
Treat the shock victim: If the victim is feeling faint or taking short and rapid breaths, lay them down with their head slightly lower than their trunk and elevate their legs if possible. You should also cover them with a blanket or a cloth to keep them warm.
Seek professional help: Call for professional help or help them get to the professional care’s emergency department.
If the victim is not breathing or unconscious, call for emergency help and then start CPR. If you suspect that the victim has broken their neck, back, or head, the fractured bone is protruding through their skin, or they are bleeding heavily, call for emergency help immediately.
With these tips above, you should be able to provide first aid to anyone you should meet that would need it as you could just help to save someone’s life.