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What first aid equipment is needed for a workplace

Writer's picture: SashaSasha

What first aid equipment is needed for a workplace

A first aid kit can be your first line of defense against workplace injuries, so it’s important to have a good kit on hand at all times. A good kit will help you save lives and help the injured person recover quickly from their injury and get back to work. Here are the first aid supplies that you need to have on hand at all times in your workplace:

1) Tourniquet

It’s easy to forget about tourniquets—after all, they’re usually tucked away in your first aid kit. But if you haven’t used one before, it’s time to make room in your life (and work locker) for one. This is especially true if you work in construction or do any type of manual labor.

Tourniquets are used to stop blood flow from a large open wound and can be a life-saving tool when there isn’t an emergency medical technician around to help out. Make sure everyone knows how to use one!

Here's how it works: You place it directly over a bleeding wound and apply enough pressure until you feel resistance from bleeding below. When secured tightly, tourniquets cause irreversible damage to muscle tissue; however, they also cut off arterial blood flow—which means no more bleeding.

If someone is hurt at work and you don't have immediate access to medical attention, then go ahead and use that trusty tourniquet. It will save their life...for now. However, once EMS arrives on scene proceed with caution; tourniquets aren't something that should be kept on for longer than necessary as permanent nerve damage can occur with prolonged application. A better bet would be to cover the area with sterile dressings before releasing tension on the tourniquet itself.

2) Gauze pad

Gauze pads are made from a soft, woven fabric and are often used as a first aid application to cover wounds or other injuries. While you may associate gauze pads with first aid kits from childhood, these days, they come in different sizes and can be coated with a variety of solutions depending on what kind of bandage you need. Gauze comes in rolls that can fit into first aid kits designed specifically for workplaces, but if you’re going to be buying gauze pads separately, make sure you choose ones that are sterile and won’t tear easily when applied to wounds.

In addition, while most gauze pads will adhere to skin after being placed on an injury site, some varieties use adhesive strips or spray-on adhesives.

3) Bandage

You can use bandages to keep minor injuries covered. If you have a laceration on your hand, for example, covering it with a bandage will prevent any dirt or bacteria from getting into the wound while you treat it further.

Bandages are also useful if you have a burn or blister—you can wrap them around your injury to protect it from anything that might otherwise cause more damage. Be sure to stock up on them, so you’re prepared for any injury.

4) Band-Aid

Also known as adhesive bandages, Band-aids are sterile pads that adhere directly to your skin and remain in place until you remove them. Common uses include minor cuts and scrapes or protecting an area of skin that has been exposed to hazards like chemicals or heat.

Most importantly, always remember that band-aids should never be used on wounds with visible dirt or debris; such contamination could cause an infection. Instead, keep small bottles of disinfectant handy so you can properly clean and disinfect any injuries before applying a bandage. This will help prevent infection in addition to reducing your risk of developing skin diseases, including warts.

To maximize adhesion strength, it’s recommended that you apply pressure onto band aid for at least 30 seconds after application. While most band-aids come with different sizes, widths, and shapes, there are some general guidelines that all offices should follow when stocking their first aid kits:

5. Thermal Blanket

In addition to a first aid kit, you need a thermal blanket as part of your workplace first aid equipment. A thermal blanket can stop a person from going into shock due to hypothermia, frostbite, or other cold-related injuries.

Of course, the patient will need immediate medical attention, but having a thermal blanket on hand to protect them from further injury will buy time until help arrives. You can also keep one in your car in case of an accident where someone is trapped and needs to be kept warm. Thermal blankets are thin and easy to carry in most kits, making them great additions.

6. Triangular bandage

The triangular bandage, which has three sides of equal length, can be used to create support around joints or other body parts. It’s also called an equilateral bandage because it’s made up of three sides that are all equal in length.

A key feature of triangular bandages is their ability to apply pressure on different areas without slipping out of place. Many first aid kits contain at least one small triangle bandage.

Here are several ways you might use one: Use one as an arm sling after shoulder surgery or after breaking your humerus. Apply compression to an injured ankle using strips of cloth wound around your leg and secured with two safety pins at either end. Support injured toes by wrapping strips of cloth firmly over them before securing them with safety pins.

This will keep them from moving too much while they heal—which helps prevent additional damage—but won't cause unnecessary pain if they do move enough to make contact with something sharp against your skin.

7. Trauma Shears

These are a good, all-purpose pair of shears. They’re perfect if you don’t know what kind of injuries you might see in your workplace. In many instances, they can be used in place of a knife when performing CPR.

Most experts recommend that you keep a pair of trauma shears with every first aid kit in case they’re needed to provide emergency care or assist an injured person in removing clothing.

Choose a pair that locks closed and has a protective pouch to help protect them from dirt and germs while stored in your first aid kit.


There are many hazards in any workplace, both immediate and potential. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare yourself for each possible situation that could arise. For instance, if you work with construction materials, know where your medical kits are stored if an accident occurs with a co-worker or yourself. If you work in a school setting, make sure to have basic first aid supplies readily available at all times. In order to be truly prepared when workplace accidents happen, it is vital to have a comprehensive first aid kit on hand at all times.

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