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Tips to be concerned in Marathon First Aid

Writer's picture: SashaSasha

Updated: Dec 1, 2021

About The Marathon

The marathon is one of the most popular races in the world. It's a race to see who can finish 26 miles first, and it usually takes about four hours to complete.

The marathon has been around since 490 BC when Pheidippides ran from Marathon to Athens with news of victory against Persia. He was so tired after his run that he died on the spot, but his death inspired people all over Greece to start running long distance for fun or as a way of life.

When you think about it, it makes sense that there would be first aid stations at every mile marker- you never know what could happen during such an intense physical challenge!

First aid is the most important aspect of a marathon. Without it, runners could run into trouble, and they may even die!

When you are going to be running in a marathon race, it is important to have a first aid kit handy. But what if something happens? What should you do in an emergency? This article will teach you the basics of marathon race first aid training so that you know exactly what to do when disaster strikes!

There are many things that can go wrong during a long race like this- from serious injuries to heart problems. The last thing anyone wants is for someone running their first or 50th marathon to get injured or sick because there wasn't enough medical help on hand.

That's why every mile marker should have an access point with medical assistance at all times. In 2013, 26 people died while participating in marathons around the world according to Running USA . Of course some deaths were due to natural causes such as age or pre-existing conditions but others weren't so lucky! One runner passed away after collapsing near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon , and another runner died due to cardiac arrest. Although first aid is important during a marathon, it's even more significant for first time runners who may not know what to expect or how their body will react throughout the race.

Running USA also found that many people don't finish marathons . Some drop out around mile 20 because they are too tired, but others can't make it past mile 15 after experiencing pain in their feet, legs, knees or hips. It's very common for someone to feel like quitting at some point-especially if this is your first (or twentieth) marathon!

However you should never give up before reaching the finish line! The worst thing you could do is abandon ship when there's still two miles to go- this is where first aid comes in.

There will be plenty of medical personnel scattered along the marathon route who are willing to help you. You can receive everything from water, food or bandages if your feet are hurting too much to continue!

First aid shouldn't only be for runners reaching their limits either.

If something happens during an actual marathon like twisting an ankle then it's important that someone helps you right away instead of waiting until after the race when there might not be anyone around .

It's very easy for things to get out of hand while running 26 miles, and anything could happen at any time no matter how healthy or fit you are beforehand.

Accidents do happen even though people train so hard before races!

One example of this is a medical emergency that occurred during the 2010 Boston Marathon . One female runner went into cardiac arrest after mile number 25, and she was taken to Massachusetts General Hospital where doctors were able to revive her pulse. She survived thanks to quick action from bystanders who knew how to use an AED device when no paramedics were around! This woman might not have been so lucky if there wasn't first aid at every mile marker because it takes a lot longer for professionals to arrive on scene than someone with proper training who is already there.

First aid shouldn't only be reserved for people feeling sick or hurt during marathons- you never know what could happen , and help should always be readily available since accidents take place at any time even in the final stretch of the race.

Participating in a marathon is one of the most challenging yet incredible experiences that a runner can experience. Besides helping to raise money for charity and giving lots of supporters a great event to spectate, another thing that goes into marathon events is the amount of energy and effort that the runners use in preparation for the event.

After putting in such energy and eagerly looking forward to the big day, it would be a shame if an injury or something else were to dampen your experience on that day.

So, in this article, we will be looking at some tips to be concerned about in marathon first aid.


When you are going to run a marathon, ensure that the clothing you wear is aimed at being comfortable, temperature considerate, and preventing injuries resulting from friction.

Ensure that the clothing is one you have run a long distance in before to see if it will be comfortable for you or not, and also reject any clothing that looks like it could result in friction burns.

Seeing as you would be warm while running and eventually cool down after you cross the finish line, it would be good to have a foil blanket to help you retain body temperature and someone with warm clothes for you at the finish line.

Also, be mindful of how your number is pinned to your chest.


Avoid the temptation of buying new shoes for the marathon.

Any shoe you would use should have run in before to know if your feet would be comfortable in them. If the weather forecast indicates rainfall, make sure that the shoe you’re using will have sufficient grip so that you don’t slip.

Also, ensure that the socks you are going to use are well-fitted and comfortable for your feet.

Chafing and Nipple are bleeding.

To prevent chafing, you can apply anti-chafing talc or petroleum jelly to remove the problem of friction, and you could also cover your nipples with plasters to avoid it rubbing against your clothing.

While you are training your nipples to bleed, wash them and dry them carefully, then you can cover them up with a breathable plaster. If your nipple bleeding results from a more serious issue and you are not so sure, then consult your doctor.


To prevent having blisters while running, ensure that the shoes you are wearing are both comfortable and worn in. If you have a blister and the skin is not broken, do not burst it.

Instead, get an appropriate blister plaster and cover up the blister, then make sure that there is no wrinkle in your socks that might be contributing to the blister formation.

However, if the blister’s skin is broken or looks very likely to break, then cover it with a clean, dry, non-adhesive dressing that will cover the whole blister region.

If you don’t have any blister plaster with you or need help, you can stop at any one of the many first aid points where they should be able to render you the help you need.


Cramps can be avoided if you stay well hydrated and maintain a sufficient level of salts and fluids. During the race, you can drink sports drinks, and also, a couple of days before the race, you should include salt in your normal diet to keep salt balance.

Aid tips of Knee joint injuries and sprained ankles

If you sustain a knee injury during your race, carefully lie down and support your knee in a relaxed position. Do not attempt to straighten your injured knee or walk on the injured leg.

Also, do not eat or drink anything if you need an anaesthetic and seek medical attention immediately.

If you sprain your ankle, just like the knee, do not try to bear any weight on the injured ankle. Instead, seek help for the first-aiders that are there.

Relax and wrap the injured ankle with an ice pack while you allow someone else properly assesses your injury.

Heat Exhaustion

If you start feeling sick, dizzy, cold or clammy skin, headache or cramps, then you might be suffering body heat.

This is a serious issue, and it would be important to get help immediately if this happens while training, locate a shady spot, lie down there with your legs raised, and regularly sip a sports drink.

You should try to get someone’s attention and go get medical advice.

If it happens during a marathon, take a rest and then get medical support to check you out. You should only continue if they have cleared you to do so.

And you should raise awareness of safaty.

First Responders

The onsite first responders should prepare an automated external defibrillator (AED), band-aid, space blanket, ice packs. They should have first aid knowledge and first aid skills.

When faced with an unexpected situation, be able to remain calm and handle the casualty correctly.


These tips above will help you prepare adequately and safely for a marathon race and give you things to look out for so that your well anticipated day will not be jeopardized.

Marathons are an incredible feat of physical endurance that many people around the world train for their entire lives.

As you prepare to take on this challenge, it's important to do your research and learn all about what you can expect along the way. These tips will help get you started on a safe and healthy journey towards race day!

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